Saturday, December 28, 2019

Legal And Practical Challenges Facing Consumers Essay

CHAPTER THREE LEGAL AND PRACTICAL CHALLENGES FACING CONSUMERS IN CROSS BOARDER MOBILE TRANSACTIONS 3.1 Introduction This chapter discusses the practical and legal challenges facing consumers in cross border mobile transactions. Given that positive outcome in any national payment system is envisaged on efficiency and confidence it is indispensable to focus on security issues and privacy in order to uphold public loyalty in cross border mobile transactions. Inadequate regulation of cross border mobile transactions has resulted to cyber crime and fraud. Consumers face many legal challenges which are discussed hereunder. 3.2 Legal and Practical Challenges Facing Consumers in Cross-Border Mobile Transactions 3.2.1 Multiplicity of the Complaint Settlement Bodies The law according to section 45(1) of the Electronic Money Regulations provides that the aggrieved customer should report to the money issuer who is suppose to solve the complaint within twenty one days and if the customer is not satisfied he or she can refer the matter to Bank of Tanzania, Tanzania Revenue Authority or Fair Competition Commission. This poses confusion to many of the customers who at the end of the day fail to get justice because of the multiplicity of the complaint settlement bodies. There is no integration of the complaint handling mechanism which poses as a challenge to consumers when they have lost their money during transfer. Shadrack Shubira commented that most customers fail to get justiceShow MoreRelatedIntroduction And Background Of Mobile Money Essay1538 Words   |  7 Pagesrisk management for banks and other financial institutions, largely ignoring the role of MNOs. From the beginning, MNOs were required to partner with banks to receive â€Å"letters of no objection†, which enabled the Bank of Tanzania to guarantee that consumer funds are protected in the banking system, backed with a 100% liquidity prerequisite. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Children And Adolescents Experience With Peers - 2012 Words

Children and adolescents’ experience life different ways, whether with family or with peers. The concept of children and adolescents experience with peers is that the children’s interactions with their peers plays a huge role in their development socially. Although this concept is very true and accurate, in some cases, this concept can encounter some issues when applied to everyday situations. Life situations can alter or rearrange the way the concept of children and how they learn from their peers. The article entitled,†Second Grader Brandon Schlund Is a Standout Student in His School—He s Also the Only One†, about a child named Brandon Schlund. Brandon was the only child on his entire island, Bois Blanc Island. The article included a number of interviews with the teacher at the school and Brandon’s parents. They all discussed how he was an amazing child and has the ability to do the things equivalent to those of an adult on the island. It also mentioned that he had cousins that lived in a neighboring city, which was a 45 minute ferry ride away. Brandon only interacted with adults on a daily basis, no children whatsoever. Let me explain why we should be concerned with the development of this boy, if this was to continue for years, Brandon would begin to develop one of two ways; Brandon would either have the mentality of a baby or he would begin to have the mentality of an adult. Brandon could develop the mentality of a baby because the adults on the is land would be soShow MoreRelatedChildren And Adolescents Experience With Peers1896 Words   |  8 PagesChildren and adolescents experience life different ways, whether with family or with peers. The concept of children and adolescents experience with peers is that the children’s interactions with their peers plays a huge role in their development socially. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Comparing Poetry Essay Example For Students

Comparing Poetry Essay Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. Good morning Ms Linton and students, today I will be informing you on why you must choose these two poems for the poetry speaking contest. The poems I have chosen are The Man from Ironwork, by Banjo Patterson as well as He Started the Cycling Craze by myself. Narratives help the readers enjoy and understand poetry as it is a way the poets can connect to their readers by using storyline that may relate to them or something that they enjoy. Storyline of narratives play a major role and thou these the readers would not be able to understand what is happening In the story. The story line of The Man from Ironwork Is about a man who wants his beard to be shaved, so this man heads off to the barber. The barber pulls out a razor and starts to shave his throat. The man from Ironwork fears the barber is a murderer who wants to cut his throat. The storyline of He Started the Cycling Craze is about a man who decides to buy a new bike so he goes off to the bike shop. He buys a bike then rides it home and on the way home he rode up the hill then started to roll back. Once he had rolled down the hill he ended up In the creek. Both of these storyline are different In their own way, but one salutary Is that a man leaves his home, goes somewhere and in both poems they make a mistake. In all poems there is a difference, but some may be similar in one way or another. The difference between these two poems is that they both contain various poetry techniques and they are both based on individual topics. Each poet uses several techniques and have a different style of writing. In this case these poems are similar as one was re-written room a poem written by the author of the other poem. Every poem can have differences and similarities to other poems. In poetry the poets describe the characters and settings so that the reader can view the image in their head, here is a quote from The Man from Ironwork The barber man was small and flash, as barbers mostly are, He wore a strike-your-fancy sash, he smoked a huge cigar: This describes how the barber looks and what he is holding. In this part of the poem he is stereotyping barbers to that that they are both small and flash. This helps the reader imagine what the mall character Is seeing. And from He Started the Cycling Craze He started to roll down the hill swerving a tree, and almost being stung by a big fat bee, nearly at the lake he had to swerve a car. This describes what the man on the bike is enduring and what he is seeing. By describing surrounding and what people look like, it allows the reader to create an image in their head of what is happening in the poem. In poetry the poets use poetic devices to make the poems more interesting, this helps the reader keep interest In what they are reading. In The Man from Ironwork the poetic devices used Include; rhyme, rhythm, repetition, Imagery, alliteration, and metaphors. The rhyming patter is a,a,b,b,c,c and the rhythm is shown by the rhyme and the flow or the poem. An example of alliteration is upon the newly shaven skin it made a livid mark. As well as brow grew black. Imagery Is shown In many parts of the poem but particularly when he Is describing strike-your-fancy sash, he smoked a huge cigar. The metaphor was shown when he referred to the man as a dog. The devices used in He Started the Cycling Craze includes rhyme which is used in a pattern FAA,b,b,a as well as rhythm which is seen by the rhyme and flow of the poem. Alliteration was also used in the line and almost being stung by a big fat bee. Imagery was also used when describing what was on the road when he was swerving so that he di dnt fall off of his bike. Overall there are many different poetic devices used in poetry and this is shown through these poems. .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004 , .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004 .postImageUrl , .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004 , .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004:hover , .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004:visited , .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004:active { border:0!important; } .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004:active , .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004 .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf73a5d11e835caad9ae3c1b9e6b6c004:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Consider the thematic and/ or symbolic significance of time in Pearce, P., Tom's Midnight Garden and Lewis, C.S. EssayIn summary poets use different techniques and devices in their poems so that the poem becomes for intriguing so the reader continues to read on. Devices are used in poetry so that the readers have something to laugh or cry about and are intrigued to read other poems by the poet. Storyline of poems are important as they help describe what is happening in the poem and the reader is able to understand what the characters are doing. To wrap up these two poems should be chosen for the poetry speaking contest as they use various devices and techniques which allow s the reader to continue interest in the poem as it goes on.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Social and Ethical Accounting Free-Samples

Questions: 1.Work Practice and Expectations of an Accounting Professional? 2.How does an Accounting Professional engage with the community to add value to Stakeholders and Oneself? 3.What are the Strategies and Development tools that are appropriate for an Accounting Professional to sustain a Competitive Advantage in terms of Employment and level of Competence? Answers: 1.Three major characteristics for the operating environment of public sector are Managing the public resources the organization must used the available resources in most beneficial way so that to minimize the wastes from the resources Avoid the internal beneficial transactions the inter-business transaction that are carried out solely for profit purposes Profit shall not be the main aim while carrying out the business, apart from the profit, other factors like social and environmental shall be taken care of (Zadek, Evans and Pruzan 2013). The profession of accounting in the public sector is to collect the information and process the collected information to decide, forecast, evaluate and prepare the budget for the economic activities of public sector. Their ultimate goal is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness for the public management. Three influential factors for the accountants are the accounting standards, national goal and cultural background. Control of the waste and managing them is one of the crucial issues that are associated with the financial and environmental benefit. Owing to these factors, the role of accountant become more important with regard to the cost that is expensed and the benefits acquired out of them (Goretzki, Strauss and Weber 2013). (See figure 1) 2.The accountants are directly associated with the reduction and control of cost and enhance the profit at the same time. They are responsible for preparing the budgets and identify the costs that can be minimised to achieve higher profits. Further by helping the community, the accountant builds good image for the organization, which in turn, contribute values to the shareholders, employees and clients. This will not only provide good image to the public, but also lead the potential clients that how much the organization cares for them moreover, the transparency in the financial statements give the shareholders an idea regarding the investment of their funds. Further, the financial statement that are prepared with the the best knowledge of the accountants with consideration of accounting standards and professional approach will definitely create good faith of the shareholders about their organisation (Brown, Henze and Milford 2017). (See figure 2) 3.Normally, the accounting and tax are essential for the accountants to follow the professional and ethical codes of conduct to obtain the sustainable competitive advantages with regard to the competence level and employment terms. The key factors here that the accountants must have clear idea of the stability of the modern working environment and must be able to adapt the changing regulations and policies. As the accounting environment is changing continuously, it is crucial for the accountant to follow the standards and must consider their responsibilities towards the public as well as society. Many accountants now-a-days choose to go for further studies related to accounts and tax as qualifications plays an important role that make the difference between the accountants and other competitors. Moreover, if the accountants give detailed report regarding the performance of the company both externally and internally, it will improve the internal control system of the organization and the community will be assured that the business practices of the organization are in order and being carried out as per the regulation (Guerrero 2013). References: Brown, K.E., Henze, D.K. and Milford, J.B., 2017. How accounting for climate and health impacts of emissions could change the US energy system. Energy Policy, 102, pp.396-405. Goretzki, L., Strauss, E. and Weber, J., 2013. An institutional perspective on the changes in management accountants professional role.Management Accounting Research,24(1), pp.41-63. Guerrero A., 2013, Solid Waste Management Challenges for Cities in developing countries, Journal of Science Direct, Vol 33, pp 224-237. Zadek, S., Evans, R. and Pruzan, P., 2013. Building corporate accountability: Emerging practice in social and ethical accounting and auditing. Routledge, pp (84-108

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Jean Piaget theory on child development Essay Example

Jean Piaget theory on child development Essay Jean Piaget theory on child development Piaget was a psychologist who developed interest in children’s intellect. He worked with Alfred Binet and later came up with a theory on cognitive development of children. This theory explains cognitive child development. This type of development entails changes in cognition processes and capabilities. According to this theorist’s view, early development in cognition includes processes founded on actions. Later on, it advances to changes in mental activities. Piaget states that adults are not intelligent than children. The difference is children have a different way of thinking. This observation amazed Albert Einstein because people would not see its simplicity. Piaget came up with some concepts of this theory. Some of them are schemas, which is the description of mental and physical activities included in knowledge and understanding. The schema contains knowledge and its method of acquisition. When children encounter experiences, the new knowledge is added, or schemas change. For instance, if a child only sees a kitten he or she will tend to think all cats resemble that kitten. After he or she sees a cat, her perception will change. We will write a custom essay sample on Jean Piaget theory on child development specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Jean Piaget theory on child development specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Jean Piaget theory on child development specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Plato and Sidney Essays

Plato and Sidney Essays Plato and Sidney Paper Plato and Sidney Paper 1890. 168-177

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Health and safety at work Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Health and safety at work - Case Study Example Some of the employments by nature are hazardous and both the employer and the employee should be aware of the dangers involved in such employments. Definitely there are inherent risks of the employment and they vary in degrees depending on the kind of work, material used, mode of work and ultimate work achievement. If we go through some of the cases over the years, it is easy to find how difficult it is to avoid danger in certain jobs. Cases like Thomas v Quartermaine (1887), Smith v Baker & Sohs (1891), Paris v Stepney Borough Council (1951), General Cleaning Contractors Ltd. V. Christmas (1953), Ellis v. Ocean S.S. Co. Ltd (1958) show us the varied dangers that are inherent in different employments. But according to the modern law the employer is responsible for a duty of care towards his employees and the weight squarely rests in him. "Under the general law of tort, a duty of care arises when two persons are so closely and directly related that the activities of them may involve appreciable risk of injury to the other: Donoghue v. Stevenson [1932]" Munkman (1975, p.82). The Health and Safety Act is a landmark in the history of labour and employment, because it provides maximum safety and care to the workers and this is one act where the employer's responsibility is of major gravity in looking after the health and safety of his employees. "The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act (1974) is the most important statute for industry and commerce ever to have been passed through Parliament. Unlike the Industrial Relations Act, this one is here to stay. It affects companies, firms and individuals, employers, from Boardroom to shop floor; manufacturers, designers, importers, suppliersoccupiers, builders, erectors, installers," Mitchell (1976, p.xv). The employer, under the legal compulsion, must make all the attempts and take reasonable care not to expose his employees to any kind of avoidable and unnecessary risk. This responsibility is a personal responsibility and cannot be transferred to othersi. In Peter's case ABC cannot be held responsible to a very large extent, because they have provided all kinds of protective necessary clothing and mask. Safeguarding the health and safety of the employees is the duty and responsibility of the employer and ABC has done so. So, if the position of ABC is assessed from that angle, they cannot be held responsible for Peter's accident. All the injuries that occur during the work are not due to employer fault. Some of them could be because of the carelessness and easygoing habits of the employees like Peter. Still there is a possibility of a court ruling that it is vicarious responsibility of the employer because the employer is responsible for providing a safe workplace for his employee to work. It was not safe enough for Peter, because the chemical was insufficiently diluted by another employee causing grievous damage to Peter. ABC will have to answer for the insufficient dilution of the chemical by another employee. There is no doubt that Peter was at mistake because he did not wear the mask that has been provided for his safety by the ABC. Unfortunately for him, he thought, as his manager did, that the risk involved was very small. The risk involved w